Lately all I have been thinking about is New Mexico. Every once in a while I get these dreams where I am in Santa Rosa State park and I am walking around and the only sound is the wind blowing past my ears. It is such a wonderful dream. There is never anyone in the dream. Just me and Santa Rosa. For the time I am dreaming it feels like I have found that one special place that helps you completely free and open your mind. Some day I will go back and visit. It's only a 20 hour drive or so. Maybe someday soon? Who knows. Sophie needs a break for a little while. This year has been hard on ze o' box.

I hope Sophies beautiful presence never leaves me. I will be the number 1 Scion Xb spokes person for the rest of my life. That car is perfect.
This year will be ended with more trips on a plane than in a car. I have found that my main interest right now is traveling. Now that I have the power of video at my finger tips, I will be documenting a city near you.
Top places to be traveled to this year:
New York
Los Angeles
There are plenty of journeys coming my way and I am going to take all with open arms.
Nice shots! I am glad I stumbled on this place.