What a shame . . . We have reached a point where our own ignorance, greed, and insensitivity has lead to a point of disaster. My plans for moving to New Orleans have changed. I have looked in to going and helping and "due to the high volume of volunteers [they] are no longer accepting applications." I am concerned for the health of those helping and the education being provided about the harmful side effects of working with such toxins. The chemical agent being added to the oil has many catastrophic side effects and we will see a lot of damage in the future because of this. I blame not only the government and BP for this disaster, but I blame myself and other humans for not putting forth all of their interests into alternate fuel options. We have had our chances with the auto manufactures and the public was more concerned with their gas guzzling suv's, sports cars, and trucks. So for now we choose oil which is spewing out rapidly into our oceans, destroying our wildlife, poisoning our food, and feeding the flame for the fate of our future. I know I want this to change.
Instead we will probably point fingers for a while and not take responsibility for our own actions. There needs to be more government action and less blame game. Also, somebody needs to take the typewriters microphone and pass it to Obama. I can't hear him talking in circles clearly.
On the contrary, my lease ends on the 30th of June. I have arranged for myself to take forth all of my energy in my documentary to help educate humans on what it is that is happening and why. I will be traveling to Canada hoping to stir an interest in my project and to receive grants and funding. I just need the means in which I can focus 100 percent of my time on this project. I will be stopping by the Buckminster Fuller Institution to learn more about Bucky and to talk with them about what it is I am trying to do.
I will use this trip as the stepping stone to constructing a hard outline of what the project will offer and to help educate people along the way. I will keep a consistent video blog of observations and experiences through out my journey.
Please help me in my travels. I need places to stay, people to talk to, topics, and any information that can be of help for making a change. Please email me at scottmckibbenphotography@gmail.com
On a more light hearted note, I will also be cataloging my music endeavors along the way. Hoping to create a video blog series devoted to american music. I will play my own tunes as I travel as well as film the others I encounter. If you live on the east coast and are interested in meeting me to be a part of this project please let me know.
There is a lot to come from me in the next few months. I am also happy to say that my website will be going up next week. After months of hard grueling work Dave Berzack and myself have come to a closing with my website as well as his Nerdcore Rap Spoof video. I hope these projects bring us success in the future.
I just wanted to give a brief overview of what there will be to see in the next coming weeks and am very excited about sharing my travels with the world wide web.
Till next time,
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