So I have just entered Nashville after spending 2 nights camping in the Smoky Mountains and a brief visit in Asheville, North Carolina. Cataloochee in the Smoky Mountain National Park is absolutely beautiful. It is home of a diverse group of plants and animals. The National Park Service works to manage the preservation of native species to the area. Some of the successful wildlife reintroductions in the Great Smoky Mountains include the river otter, Peregrine Falcon, and three species of small fish. All of these species were reintroduced because they had been eliminated from the park at a point in time. There was an experimental release of elk into the park in February 2001. Over hunting and loss of habitat eliminated these animals from this region in the 1700's. It was a great pleasure to be able to share a home with these majestic animals for a few nights. A little nerve racking at first, but I found myself captivated by the clear water streams and thick forest canopy. I hiked to camp ground number 39 and 40 while I was at the park. It was very nice being able to share memories with my friends during the first part of my travels. The last night camping I spent the night in a hammock. It was a bit chilly as soon as the sun rotated out of our hemisphere, but watching the starry sky was well worth the chill. We woke at 4 am and hiked back through the woods in darkness to catch the elk grazing in the foggy field. Even with my 100-400mm I could not get close enough to photograph any details. I realize I would have needed a 600-800 or larger and a 3000 dollar tripod. Oh well, they were better in person than any photograph could capture.
We then left for Asheville. There we sat under a bridge and shared tunes and rested our heads from the early morning daze. It was quite relaxing watching the water go by. It would be nice If everyone would take the time to focus on what is around them. It's hard while working a job every day for the rest of your life. It takes a lot to break free. I fell in love with Asheville. The whole city provides fresh organic food and everyone is so nice and happy. Such a wonderful place. I am considering moving there when I get back. I have always wanted to live in the mountains and I think I could be a successful working artist there. I also really enjoy being able to play music on the streets. I recorded a song while I was there . . .
After we finished with the video I headed to Nashville and started the beginning of my solo trip. Once I got to Nashville I was greeted by my old friend Jessica Lee. She is always a pleasure to be around. Her bubbly personality is medicine for lifting your spirit. Her and her sister Rachel showed me around town and took me too a few places. I have 2 favorite places here. 1) is Bookman and Bookwoman, an independent used book store. There I bought Man Against Myth by Dunham. Here is a quote from this book,
'"The unhappiness of man," wrote Baron d'Holback, "is due to his ignorance of nature." It is a profound truth, and the future of mankind undoubtedly turns upon it. Knowledge is, of course, a satisfaction in itself. We are likely to feel that even if we cannot avoid the blows of circumstance, there is some consolation in knowing what hit us. Yet how much greater the satisfaction would be if we had no need to be consoled, if our knowledge of the given circumstances were transformed, by further knowledge, into control over it!"
Wrote in 1947
2) Percy Warner park was also one of my favorite spots. It has a great over look of the city and we saw a hand full of deer on the long drive up the mountain. I'm really glad Jessica took me around and showed me these spots.
I am now going to head to the coast of Virginia to find some free disperse camping. Time to read, paint, and play music.
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